Friday, April 20, 2012

This has nothing to do with anything but...

Matthew Grey Gubler tweeted a photo of himself today, with a group of middle-aged Black women dressed in red and purple clothing and church hats. (In case you didn't know, MGG is Reed from Criminal Minds) So many questions about this. Where is this? Who are these people? How the heck did this happen?

But I kind of like not knowing.

You're welcome.


  1. I LOVE this. I'm the biggest Criminal Minds fan ever.

  2. Me too! I have, on more than one occasion, wished to be kidnapped by a maniac so they can come and find me. Then I remember that:
    1) They're actors.
    2) I'd probably die.
    3) Even if I survived, I'd certainly be traumatized for life.

    I'm living proof that there *is* such a thing as too much imagination..
